BEd Entrance Exam Syllabus

To become a teacher in India, it has been made mandatory to do B.Ed course.


That is, the students who want to take the job of teacher have to do B.Ed course.


Admission to the course of B.Ed is done through merit basis and entrance exam.


Among the major colleges that offer B.Ed courses, admission to B.Ed is done through an entrance exam.


Students who want to take admission in B.Ed must have complete knowledge of B.Ed entrance exam syllabus.


Here we will talk in detail about the B.Ed entrance exam syllabus itself.


About B.Ed entrance exam –


Before talking about the syllabus, talking about the B.Ed course, B.Ed is generally a professional degree course of 2 years duration, after doing this you get the qualification to work as a teacher.


The full name of B.Ed is Bachelor of Education.

B.Ed is the most preferred course to get into the teaching profession. B.Ed is an undergraduate level course, and candidates have to complete UG level education to do B.Ed.


Talking about admission in it, admission is done through entrance exams conducted at national, state, university or institute level.


These entrance exams are generally conducted in June/July, and the academic session starts from August/September.


So at the state level or even by the university or educational institution, entrance examination is conducted for admission in b.Ed. Some of the important entrance examinations for admission in b.ed are-


·       IGNOU B.Ed. Entrance exam

·       BHU UET

·       IPU CET

·       HPU B.Ed entrance exam

·       DU B.Ed. Entrance Exam

·       Bihar B.Ed. CET

·       Odisha B.Ed. Entrance Exam

·       UP B.Ed JEE 2022

·       MAH B.Ed. CET

·       etc. comes the name of entrance exams.


Apart from this, entrance examinations are conducted at the state level for admission in B.Ed colleges in different states.


B.Ed entrance exam syllabus –

Now let us directly talk about the B.Ed entrance exam syllabus.


As we have known above, the entrance exam for admission to B.Ed is conducted at different levels and by different institutes.



But there is not much difference in the syllabus of all entrance exams, the syllabus of b.Ed entrance exam is almost same for all.


There is only a difference in language according to different states.


The entrance exam of B.Ed consists of questions from the following sections –


·       Basic Numerical and Reasoning Ability

·       General English

·       Teaching Aptitude

·       General Awareness

·       Local language (in state level entrance exams)

Now let us see about the b.ed entrance exam syllabus to be asked from these topics one by one.


Basic Numerical and Reasoning Ability syllabus –

·       Average

·       Data Interpretation

·       Graphs and Charts

·       Series Completion

·       Tests of Alphabets

·       Percentage

·       Ratio & Proportion

·       Profit & Loss

·       Puzzles

·       Syllogism

·       Seating Arrangements

·       Principle of Classification

·       Substitution and Interchanging

Basic Numerical and Reasoning Ability is an important part in B.Ed entrance exam syllabus.


All the examinations that are conducted for admission to B.Ed at different levels have questions from the above topics.


In the course of B.Ed, you usually take admission after graduation, that's why the questions coming from this subject are also given in the same way and from the same level.


General English syllabus –

·       Grammar

·       Reading Comprehension

·       Synonyms and Antonyms

·       Fill in the Blanks

·       Error Correction

·       Idioms & Phrases

·       Spelling Error

·       One word Substitution

·       etc.

General English generally prevails in all the entrance examinations conducted for admission to B.Ed.


It mainly includes basic grammar of English (in which many things of grammar come) and apart from this, many general topics like reading comprehension, fill in the blanks etc. are included, which are also in the syllabus of other competitive exams.


To pass the entrance exam, the candidate should have basic knowledge of English.


Teaching Aptitude syllabus –

·       Nature, Objective, Characteristics, and Basic Requirements of Teaching

·       Teaching Aids

·       Factors Affecting Teaching

·       Methods of Teaching i.e.

·       Nature, Purpose, Characteristics, and Basic Requirements of Teaching

·       teaching aids

·       factors affecting learning

·       teaching methods

·       etc.

This subject is called Teaching Ability in Hindi. Because the course of B.Ed is meant to teach, that is, to become a teacher, that is why it becomes an important subject.


There are questions from this topic in the entrance examinations conducted for admission in B.Ed and it is necessary for the candidates to study all the topics covered under it thoroughly.


General Awareness syllabus –

·       Current Affairs

·       History

·       Polity

·       General Science

·       Geography

·       Questions Related to Social Issues

·       five-year plan

·       Another Miscellaneous question

·       e.t.c

There are also questions from General Awareness section in B.Ed entrance exam.


Everything comes inside it like GK, GS etc. Apart from this, questions can be asked from any topic of current affairs in current affairs.


To crack the entrance exam, a candidate must prepare well for this section as well.


Local language syllabus –

Local language means, as we know, whatever spoken, and recognized language there according to the place.


The syllabus of the local language in the entrance exam of B.Ed may be different.


It is determined by the examination conducting body in the particular state.


Generally, questions related to language's grammar etc. remain only. For example, if we talk about Hindi then in this –


·       Grammer

·       treaty

·       prefixes and suffixes

·       Rasa / Chhand / Alankar

·       Idioms and proverbs

·       one word for many words

·       passage

·       fill in the blanks

·       Synonyms/Antonyms

·       e.t.c