In this article we will talk about GATE exam syllabus. Engineering is one of the most important career options in today's time.


And the students related to the field of engineering would definitely know about the GATE exam.


Almost all the students who are pursuing or have completed their engineering studies prepare for the GATE exam.


The name of GATE exam in engineering also comes in the toughest examinations of the country.


It is important for the students who prepare for GATE that they should have a good knowledge of all the important things related to this exam.


And in this they also need to have complete knowledge about GATE exam syllabus.


Here in this article we will go through the GATE exam syllabus very well.


Know from which topics questions are there in GATE exam and which topics are included in them?


Before talking about the syllabus, let's talk about GATE exam a little bit, then the full name of GATE is Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, which is conducted at the national level.


On the basis of GATE exam, admission is done in IITs and IIMs for post graduate engineering, ie MTech etc.


Just like there is JEE exam for 12th class students. Similarly, there is a GATE exam for the students who are or have done graduation in engineering.


Through the GATE exam, one can get into the most famous engineering colleges and famous companies of the country.


GATE exam is mainly for engineering graduate candidates.


Now there are different subjects in engineering, all those subjects also appear in GATE exam and they all have different syllabus.


Such as Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering etc.


Whatever core subject the student has in engineering, he has to appear in the same subject in the GATE exam as well, and some questions from Mathematics etc. may be common.


Now let us look at the GATE syllabus according to these different subjects.


Subject wise syllabus of GATE exam

Altogether 29 subjects are included under GATE exam.


In which all the subjects coming under engineering are included.


Apart from this, a subject like quantitative aptitude is common in every subject.


The list of all the subjects covered under GATE is as follows –


Aerospace Engineering (AE)

Computer Science (CS) and Information Technology (IT)

Chemistry (CY)

Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC)

Electrical Engineering (EE)

Agricultural Engineering (AG)

Architecture and Planning (AR)

Biotechnology (BT)

Civil Engineering (CE)

Ecology and Evolution (EY)

Geology and Geophysics (GG)

Petroleum Engineering (PE)

Physics (PH)

Production and Industrial Engineering (PI)

Textile Engineering and Fiber Science (TF)

Statistics (ST)

Biomedical Engineering (BM)

Engineering Sciences Syllabus (XE)

Life Sciences (XL)

Environmental Science and Engineering

Geomatics Engineering (GE)

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NM)

Humanities and Social Sciences

Instrumentation Engineering (IN)

Mathematics (MA)

Mechanical Engineering (ME)

Mining Engineering (MN)

Metallurgical Engineering (MT)

Now let us go through the syllabus of GATE exam for some of these most important subjects one by one.


GATE syllabus for Mathematics-

The following main topics for mathematics are included in the GATE exam –


Linear Algebra,


Complex Analysis,

Functional Analysis,

Real Analysis,

Numerical Analysis,


GATE syllabus for Statistics –

The following main topics are covered for statistics in GATE exam –




Linear Algebra


Stochastic Processes

Multivariate Analysis

Design of Experiments & Regression Analysis


GATE syllabus for mechanical engineering-

The following main topics are covered for Mechanical Engineering in GATE exam –


engineering mechanics


heat transfer

Refrigeration and air conditioning

Strength of materials

fluid mechanics

Manufacturing engineering

machine design

General Aptitude

engineering maths

Theory of mechanics

industrial engineering

GATE syllabus for Computer Science Engineering (CSE) –

The following main topics are included for Computer Science Engineering in GATE exam –


Theory of Computation

Operating System

Compiler Design

General Aptitude

Computer Organization & Architecture

Computer Networks

Programming & Data Structures

Soft. Engg/ Web Technology


Engineering Maths

Digital Logic



GATE syllabus for Architecture and Planning-

The following main topics are included for Architecture and Planning in GATE exam –


Architecture and Design

Construction and Management

Building Materials

Environmental Planning and Design

Building and Structure


GATE syllabus for Civil Engineering –

The following main topics are included for civil engineering in GATE exam –



Design of Steel Structures

Structural Analysis

Highway & Surveying

FM and Hydraulic machine

Engineering Mathematics

Irrigation & Hydrology

General Aptitude

RCC and Prestressed concrete

Environment Engg



GATE syllabus for Electrical Engineering –

The following main topics are included for electrical engineering in GATE exam –


Network Theory

Analog & Digital Electronics

Signal & System


Control Systems

General Aptitude

Power Systems

Engineering Maths

electrical machines

Power Electronics

Electrical & Electronics Measurements


GATE syllabus for chemical engineering –

The following main topics are included for civil engineering in GATE exam –


Process Calculations


Chemical Engineering Mathematics

Fluid Mechanics

Mechanical Operations


GATE syllabus for Instrumental Engineering –

The following main topics are included for instrumental engineering in GATE exam –


analog circuits

Circuits & Networks


General Aptitude


Signals and Systems

Control System


Digital Circuits

Engg Maths

Analytical Biomedical & Optical Instrumentation


GATE syllabus for Electronics and Communication Engineering –

The following main topics are included for Electronics and Communication Engineering in GATE exam –


Network Theory

Communication Systems

Electronics Devices & Circuits


Digital Circuits

Engineering Maths

Signal & Systems

General Aptitude

Analog Circuits

Micro Processors

Control Systems

Analog Circuits

Networks, Signals and Systems


After this, the main topics of that subject are included in different subjects in the same way.


Whatever is the core subject of different students in engineering, they prepare according to the syllabus of the same subject of GATE.