Friends, in this article we will talk about IPS syllabus
Whenever there is talk of officers of the highest posts of
police, then the name of IPS officer definitely comes in it.
The Indian Administrative Service is counted among the most
prestigious government jobs in the country and after IPS, the biggest job is
called IPS.
To become an IPS officer, one has to pass the Civil Services
exam, and it is considered to be the toughest exam in the country.
In such a situation, to become an IPS officer, and to pass
the civil services exam, it is necessary to have complete knowledge about IPS
syllabus 2022.
Here in this article we will mainly talk about IPS syllabus
2022 very well.
From which topics questions are there in the syllabus of
IPS, which topics are included in it, you will know well about all.
Any student who wants to become an IPS officer has to clear
the civil services examination conducted by UPSC, also known as UPSC exam.
Union public service commission of India conducts CSE (civil
service examination) every year for appointment to civil services.
In this, the candidates who bring the top ranks of different
categories have to choose mainly from IAS or IPS.
The candidates who are interested to join the police service
choose IPS and are appointed to the post of SP etc. in the police department.
So to become an IPS candidate, the candidate has to pass the
civil service examination (CSE) conducted every year by the UPSC i.e. Union
Public Service Commission of India.
That is why instead of saying IPS syllabus 2022, it is more
correct to say UPSC syllabus 2022.
This exam conducted by UPSC to become an IPS is conducted in
three phases. in this -
UPSC prelims (Pre)
UPSC mains
come. The candidates who pass all these three stages, who
bring top ranks in UPSC, they are selected as IPS according to their election.
Now let us go through the syllabus of all the three stages
of UPSC conducted one by one to become an IPS.
UPSC IPS prelims exam syllabus
Prelims is the first stage of UPSC exam, and prelims
consists of 2 papers.
It is also called qualifying exam.
In this, the first paper is of general studies i.e. general
studies and the second paper is of CSAT –
General studies
The syllabus of UPSC Civil Services exam is vast, in which
many things have to be read under general studies.
In General Studies –
Indian Polity
science and technology
Indian Economy
Environment and Ecology
international relations
current affairs
Questions are asked from topics like etc. There are
questions from many other subjects in the General Studies paper.
Questions are asked to assess the candidate's reading
comprehension, decision making comprehension and his reasoning and analytical
ability. in this -
Interpersonal skills with communication skills
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision-making and problem solving
general mental ability
Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of
magnitude, etc.) (Class X level)
Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data
sufficiency etc of Class X level)
Questions remain for. The CSAT paper also consists of
objective type questions only.
The total number of questions in this is 80, full marks are
200, and the time duration is 2 hours.
The basis for passing the General studies paper is merit.
On the other hand, if we talk about CSAT, then it is
necessary to get 33% marks in it.
There is negative marking in the exam, for every wrong
answer marks of the candidate is deducted.
It is mandatory to clear both the prelims papers to appear
in the UPSC mains exam.
In the pattern of Prelims exam, the total number of
questions in the general studies paper is 100.
All the questions are objective type, carrying 2 marks for
each question carrying a total of 200 marks and a total time of 2 hours is
UPSC IPS mains exam syllabus
Candidates who clear UPSC prelims are allowed to appear in
UPSC mains.
UPSC Mains exam is tougher than UPSC prelims.
Because UPSC mains is a descriptive exam.
This means that the candidate has to write subjective (long)
Talking about the syllabus of UPSC Mains, a total of 9
papers have to be given in it.
Out of these 9 papers, 2 are language papers, a total of 300
marks are taken in the language test, and it is mandatory to get 25% marks to
qualify in it.
While preparing the final result, except these two language
papers, the remaining 7 papers are included.
These 7 papers are of general studies and essays.
In these 9 papers, paper A is of any valid language of
India, and then paper B is of English.
Both the papers are of 300-300 marks, and the time taken for
them is 3 hours.
Since paper A is of language, paper A is not compulsory for
candidates from the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
Nagaland and Sikkim.
paper I - consists of an essay. In this, essays have to be
written on different important topics.
paper II – consists of general studies 1. It contains
questions from Indian heritage and culture, history and geography of the world.
paper III – consists of general studies II. In this there
are questions from governance, constitution, social justice, politics,
international relations.
Paper IV – is of general studies III. It contains questions
from technology, economic development, biodiversity, environment, security and
disaster management.
Paper V - is of general studies IV. There are questions for
honesty, ethics and skill.
Paper VI – Optional I / Optional l. In this, the candidate
can choose any one optional subject i.e. optional subject according to him.
Paper VII - consists of Optional II / Optional ll. In this
also the candidate can keep optional subject according to him. The time for
both these papers is 3 hours and the total marks are 250.
UPSC IPS interview syllabus
There is no syllabus for UPSC civil service examination
Students who qualify prelims and then mains are called for
In the UPSC interview, questions are asked by the senior
IAS/IPS officers of the UPSC board, which can be from any field, because the
UPSC syllabus is very vast.
Interview is of 275 marks. The final merit of the candidates
and their rank is made by adding the marks in the mains and the marks in the