Friends, if you also aspire to go to the Indian Civil
Services, then you will definitely know about UPSC.
In today's time, every year lakhs of students prepare for
UPSC exam so that they can serve the country by working as government officers
in high positions of the country.
Friends, most of the students who prepare for UPSC aim to
become an IAS or IPS officer.
It is the dream of the students to do jobs in the posts like
SP in District magistrate and police and they also prepare hard for these.
But upsc is not limited to just these posts, through this
exam, there are many more posts.
What can I become in UPSC?
In the beginning, for most of the students, UPSC means IAS,
IPS and above all IFS.
But those who know about UPSC well know that UPSC is not
limited to IAS, IPS only, but through this exam many more posts are recruited.
Most of the people understand the meaning of UPSC exam only
till IAS and IPS.
Whereas the reality is that through UPSC's examination,
there are different and good posts in different departments in different
Like, along with the Government of India, appointments are
made in the government services of many union territories also through UPSC.
Of course, in our country, IAS and IPS come in the most
prestigious posts, and most of the students want to go towards them.
In UPSC, some students who stay in the top ranks by scoring
the highest marks are selected for these posts, but what about the candidates
after them?
They are appointed in other government services. The
candidates who pass the UPSC exam by combining IAS and IPS get the option to
join a total of 24 government services in the country.
That is, apart from IAS (Indian Administrative Service) and
IPS (Indian Police Service), there are 22 such services, which are appointed
through UPSC.
UPSC recruits in these 24 services
So much students know that IAS, IPS and then IFS are the
most selected services after UPSC. Now if we talk about the total 24 services,
then the list of their names is as follows –
Indian Administrative Service / Indian Administrative
Service (IAS) - This is the most prestigious service of UPSC, only IAS officers
are appointed on posts like DM or DC.
Indian Police Service / Indian Police Service (IPS) - This
also means that most people know. In the Indian Police, officers of the highest
ranks like SP etc. are IPS officers.
Indian Foreign Service / Indian Foreign Service (IFS) -
Officers are appointed by the Government of India as ambassadors etc. abroad,
Indian Foreign Service is the same, it also has Grade A officers.
Indian forest service / Indian Forest Service (IFoS) - The
appointment of officers of the highest posts in the forest department in India
is also done through UPSC examination.
Indian information service / Indian Information Service
(IIS) - This group is also a single service, you can call it the media wing of
the Government of India. It acts as a communication between the government and
the public.
Indian Postal Service / Indian Postal Service (IPoS) – Grade
A officers are also appointed in the postal department by passing the UPSC
exam. They are appointed to the highest posts in the postal department.
Indian revenue service / Indian Revenue Service (IRS) - In
the Revenue Department of the Government of India, the appointment of officers
is done through UPSC examination, which is also a Group A service.
Indian trade service / Indian Trade Service (ITS) - It was
started to maintain India's international trade and commerce. Appointment in
this service is also done through UPSC examination.
Railway Protection Force / Railway Protection Force (RPF) -
All the officers of RPF are members of Indian Railway Protection Force Service
and they are appointed through UPSC Civil Services Examination only.
Pondicherry civil service / Pondicherry Civil Service (PCS)
- Pondicherry is a union territory, for appointment in the civil service here
only UPSC has to be given.
Pondicherry Police Service / Pondicherry Police Service
(PPS) – Same is the case for police service along with civil service, UPSC pass
candidates can also come for officer in Pondicherry police service.
Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Civil Service (DANICS) –
The civil services of Delhi and Andaman and Nicobar Islands i.e. officers of
higher posts are also appointed by UPSC.
Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman Diu,
Dadar Nagar Haveli Police Service (DANIPS) – Same thing for civil service and
police service. UPSC pass candidates are selected as officers in the police
service of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman Diu, Dadra
Nagar Haveli.
Indian audit and accounts service (IAAS) – In iaas service,
the work of auditing the accounts of public sector organizations of union and
state government is done. The officers here are also A grade officers, and they
are selected by UPSC.
Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) - Under this service
also, the service of accounting and auditing work is given to the Indian
government. The officers here are also of Grade A and are selected by UPSC.
Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS) – The job of an ICLS
officer is to administer the Companies Act, LLP Act and some other acts related
to it. In this also you can go through UPSC only.
Indian defense estate service (IDES) - It is called Indian
Defense Estate Service in Hindi, this service also has A grade officers who are
appointed by UPSC.
Indian defense accounts service (IDAS) - The job of an
officer of this service is to handle the accounting of the Defense Department.
They are also Grade A officers and are appointed by UPSC.
Indian ordnance factories servi ce (IOFS) – The job of an
officer of this service is that of administration of Ordnance Factories of
India. These are also Grade A officers, who are appointed by UPSC.
Indian communication finance service (ICFS) - It also comes
under the essential services of the Government of India. In these, the
appointment of Grade A officers is done by UPSC exam Kesari.
Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS) – The officers of
this department are also Grade A officers, whose job is to see the accounts of
railway related departments etc.
Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS) – This is also a
central service of Group I, on which officers are appointed by UPSC.
Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS) – This is also a
central service under the Government of India. The appointment of officers here
is also done by UPSC.
Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service (AFHCS) - This is
also the grade service of Government of India, in this service also the
appointment of officers is done by UPSC only.