What is the salary of B.SC Nursing?
What is the salary after B.sc nursing? How much salary job
can be found by studying B.Sc Nursing? What is the salary for a job after B.sc
nursing? Such questions must have come in the mind of many students who are
studying, completed B.Sc Nursing as well as thinking of doing this course.
In today's time, many students do B.Sc Nursing course in
medical line, so that by completing this course, they can get a job with good
Here in this article, we will mainly discuss about what jobs
students can get after B.Sc Nursing and how much their salary can be.
After doing the course of B.Sc Nursing, there are many job
opportunities for nurse work in government and private hospitals, clinics,
research centers etc. Here we will know in detail that after B.Sc Nursing,
which job of how much salary students can get.
Before that we will know in brief what is B.Sc Nursing, and
after that we will know about the area of employment and salary.
Job Fields After B.sc Nursing
Students who do B.Sc in nursing, after the completion of the
course, they keep looking for a job. After B.Sc Nursing, there are many job
opportunities in government as well as in private sectors, in which students
can give their service spirit as a commendable profession.
First of all, if we talk about government jobs, then there
are many such areas or institutes where after B.Sc Nursing one can get job in
the posts of nurse.
These institutions include hospitals, clinics and health
departments, nursing science schools, defense services, training institutes,
public sector medical departments, railway medical departments, industrial
factories and houses, etc.
If we talk about the posts in the above mentioned places,
then Student Nurse, Staff Nurse, Senior Nurse, Pediatric Nurse, Nursing Supervisor,
Nursing Superintendent (Superintendent), Patient Care Coordinator, Medical
Record Technician, Assistant Nursing Superintendent (Superintendent) etc.
Apart from these, they also have the option of Nurse
Manager, Psychiatric Nurse, Nursing Tutor etc. Learning medical coding or
management in nursing are also great options, students in the management field
in nursing can get a good salary package.
Salary in job after B.sc Nursing (BSC Nursing Ki Salary
Kitni Hoti Hai)
Talking about the salary in the job after B.Sc Nursing,
first of all, how much will be the salary, it depends on which position you get
the job. Although the posts are the same, so there is not much difference in
the salary.
Like any other job, in this also your salary is less in the
beginning and with time as your experience and position increases, your salary
also increases accordingly.
After B.Sc Nursing, a government job is the only good
option, but the salary of a private job is also very good.
The average starting salary of freshers who join BSc nursing
course can be between 7000 to 15000. In the beginning, this amount may seem a
little low, but it also increases with time.
After 2 to 3 years of doing the job, the salary can go up to
20,000 to 30,000 as the experience increases.
Along with the salary, the work of a nurse also increases.
Nurses having more than 5 years of experience in nursing are needed in every
good institute, so nurses with more than 5 years of experience can also expect
a salary between ₹ 50,000 – 70,000.
Nurses with more experience are sought for many jobs, so the
more experience the higher the salary.
Salary in private job after B.sc Nursing
If we talk about today's time, the importance of nursing
sector has increased a lot during the corona epidemic, and after that, whether
it is government hospital or private, the demand for nurse has increased in
In view of this, students can get jobs in private hospitals
as well as nurses in other medical fields. A wide range of opportunities and
offers come to the candidates who have passed B.Sc Nursing.
Talking about a private job after B.Sc Nursing, the student
has many options, some of which are as follows –
1. Home care nurse
In this type of job, you can become the personal nurse of
the patient. In which you get a good salary along with accommodation and food
In this, you have to take care of the patient by staying in
his house, if you talk about the salary, then according to the patient, you can
also get a salary of up to 20-30 thousand.
2. Nursing Assistant
A student who has completed a brief health care training
program and provides support services for RNs and LPNs can work as a nursing
Must have a certified nurse aide (CNA) by a state agency.
Its salary can also go from 14000 to 200000.
3. Nurse in Nursery School
The job of a nursery nurse is to look after children up to
the age of seven. The job of the nurses in these schools is to look after the
children and teach them social, educational, emotional and practical things.
Talking about the salary, the average salary here can be up to 10-15 thousand
or even more.